I'm sneaking into Bohemian grove

6 hours ago 5

Thought I let reddit know just in case I go missing lol. Me and my friend have always been interested in the conspiracy stuff and figured why not go take Bohemian Grove a visit as it's not too far of a drive to get too. Anyways, my buddie is going to be filming most parts on his GoPro while I keep watch. For the most part we've basically got a rough idea of the land and have sorta planned it out. We are pretty confident everything should go fine but if not you will somehow find out. I'm not going to say when we're going for privacy concerns but it will be sometime this month. After we get back ill upload the footage here and on X. Feel free to give us advice/tips or anything else you think we should know :)

submitted by /u/Sudden-Parking7720
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