I'm a liberal, but one thing I have to agree with conservatives on is that covid was absolute nonsense

2 months ago 33

I stand progressive on most topics. I'm pro abortion, I hate Trump, I dislike religion (I'm an ex-Muslim) and I fully support trans rights and the lgbtq+ community.

However, one thing that I agree on with conservatives is that covid 19 was a scam. I'm glad I didn't get vaccinated for that "virus". The way it was handled is absolutely insane. In my country (The Netherlands) we had a rule where we weren't allowed to go out at night and we had to stay indoors otherwise you'd get a fine.

Does the virus only come out at night and then it sleeps during the day or something? How does that make sense. I had a family member who died in a car crash and I heard they wanted to put covid as a cause of death on his report. It makes me feel weird when I mention it like my body just gets put into panic mode from it.

The whole pandemic was just very weird. We had to wear masks to school in the hallway but we could take them off when we were in the classroom which also doesn't make sense. Is the virus scared of learning or something?

After the vaccine people just started having heart attacks out of nowhere. Healthy people started having health issues after getting vaccinated. I heard a story of somebody randomly passing out after getting the vaccine which has never happened to her before.

I know they want you to forget about the pandemic but I sure as hell won't.

submitted by /u/Natural_Chest_2485
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