I'm a 32F. I punched my dad when I was 19. He's 13 years sober.

1 month ago 72

I'm a 32 (F). I punched my intoxicated father when I was 19. He was 49, 6'2". To keep this short as the subreddit requests, I'm quickly and concisely sharing my story, as I feel the political climate does no justice for women who were children of domestic abuse. I may be anonymous, but I will not be silenced.

When I punched him:

  1. He was fighting with my mom over money, throwing items and breaking walls. For context, my mom is the 5x breadwinner, and they were separated but working on the relationship. He had no right, so I attempted diffusing the situation as calmly as possible.
  2. For trying to diffuse the situation, he called me the "C" word, and proceeded to scream at me, proclaiming the only child he loved is my brother. I love my brother, he is intelligent, but chronically lazy, narcissistic and manipulative like our father. He is 27, underemployed and currently has no plans of growing up.
  3. I punched him twice (leaving a black eye), and destroyed his windshield before running away for 2 weeks. He moved out, and I didn't talk to him for 6 months.

Growing up abuse consisted of:

  1. Excessive screaming
  2. Minutes-on-end spanking
  3. Breaking items in the house
  4. Locking me in the dark attic
  5. Throwing me upstairs (His parents threw him downstairs; his logic was this punishment was "not as bad")
  6. Causing scenes in restaurants

Abuse is widespread, but continually brushed under the rug. And when I see content like the 70,000 men who were in a private chat discussing how to harm or rape their wives, sisters, daughters and mothers - I realized two things:

  1. No one, especially MAGA, truly cares about women's well being. My MIL touts about men who cheat and/or rape women/children should be punished - yet she voted for Trump. A man held liable for sexual abuse in the E. Jean Carroll case, cheated on all his wives, and was friends with 3 notorious child sex traffickers.
  2. Women like me may have been silenced or shamed into not sharing these stories. But more importantly, many men and women fail to connect the dots on how Trump's upcoming presidency screams a message of "Women are good for NOTHING except PLEASING MEN."

I would have much rather been aborted than live a life where I'm told on a societal scale that my wants and needs do not matter. If you say you hate abusers, and voted for an abuser, I'm not going to hold your hand when I say this...

You have enabled ALL abusers for the next 4 years. There will be more little girls who suffered like me, and worse.

submitted by /u/Dapper_Breadfruit709
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