I just gotta say that private health insurance is the No.1 thing that the USA has to change or regulate. We need at least an OPTION for universal healthcare. [RANT]

2 months ago 30

I have two congenital diseases that require constant monitoring at intervals from healthcare professionals. I am 27. I need insurance. I recently left my old job and am now paying $888 a month to COBRA to keep said insurance. I was going to switch to a new individual plan, but it turns out the sub-500 dollar options don’t cover NEARLY what I need covered. In fact, the out-of-pocket limits would have me losing 8k a year anyway. So really I would need a 700 dollar individual plan if I don’t get it through my next job (which will make me wait for months to enroll into, by the way). And Medicaid (family care, Obamacare, whatever) isn’t an option if you plan on making more than 1500 a month. Good luck living on that if you’re going to limit yourself to a 1500 “household income”.

I’m sorry, but this is nuts. We aren’t even talking about my living expenses here. And you want me to pay the equivalent of a brand new high end car payment just so I don’t owe thousands out of pocket every time I need a scan? Or worse, if my doctor decides I may need brain surgery for my Chiari Malformation.

I don’t care about ANY OTHER financial issue in this country right now because a stronger economy and higher average wages would just allow these insurance companies to rip us off EVEN MORE. I can’t think of any issue that affects more Americans at once than this crappy private healthcare system.

I was hoping that this whole Luigi vs. UHC CEO thing would result in a conversation about changing healthcare in this country. But it seems to me like they’ll just go back to fucking us over as soon as the news cycle changes topics again.

submitted by /u/RottedRockers
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