I honestly don't know what to do with life anymore...

3 months ago 36

I feel like I'm stuck in limbo. I finished an arts degree, which my whole family has not been accepting of because it's a waste of money, and graduated just before covid hit. Since then I've been churned through various dodgy jobs given to me by my job agency with the threat of getting my funding cut off if I don't accept their offers. I've now spent 18 months in an 8 month aged care traineeship, because the education companies keep going bust and the training plan extends, and I'm over it. I can't even take days off or holidays unless I give these people 5 weeks notice, because they are using me to fill the gaps where they need their own staff who don't want to work - on less than minimum wage.

I'm about to apply for some long term volunteer work and give everyone the boot as soon as I'm accepted. I need a wholesome break, and hopefully this way I'll be able to work towards better things to come for someone else as well...

submitted by /u/fluffy_l
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