I hated my Valentine’s Day gift

1 month ago 21

I(19f) hated what my fiance(19m) got me for Valentine’s Day. We’ve been together for almost 7 years but were long distance for about 5 1/2 so this is only our second Valentine’s Day that we’ve spent together in person. I feel like the effort I’m putting into this relationship is not the same I’m getting out. I spent every free moment I’ve had over the past 2 weeks on his gift(which isn’t a lot as I’m a SAHM to a 2 month old). I made him a personalized hoodie, a handmade card, a frame that had our pictures and mementos from our relationship, a rose, a box that had hearts with reasons I loved him written on them and a big wooden frog painted to look like his that just past away last month. The only things I received from him were flowers and a bag of candy from the gas station. I wasn’t expecting anything big as we also had plans to travel to my parents tonight for my nephew’s birthday this weekend but, we were supposed to arrive early enough so that my mom could babysit and we’d have some time to go to dinner and be together one-on-one. He took so long packing his stuff that every restaurant was closed by the time we arrived to my parents town so we didn’t get to go out. I don’t know what I was expecting, we’ve had conversations in the past about how I’m the only one that actually puts thoughts and effort into gifts so I was hoping this time would actually be different. I’m not a very difficult person to buy for. He knows this he just doesn’t want to put in the effort. I’m tired of being disappointed

submitted by /u/Upstairs-Air-3408
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