I get bullied at school and I need help

2 months ago 35

I can't say that I've been harassed a lot, but I have. The first time was in the 3rd grade, when the war in Ukraine started. And since I was the only one in the class who had different political views from the rest of the class, I started getting bullied. Mostly only 3 people bullied me, but the rest of the class joined in. Those 3 people were called M, LF and VZ. It was always M who started the bullying, and the others would finish it off. Every day I was in tears at school. Now it's started again, I don't know why, they don't explain anything. During the summer I was even friends with M (yes, I'm stupid), but then we had a conflict. She bullied my significant other and I stood up for her. But in school we started talking normally again. And then just like that, they made me an outcast. Not to say that I'm bullied a lot and I feel really bad about it, but it's still very unpleasant. And now I'll tell you about the more horrible cases. It was in 4th grade. We had a new girl transferring in that year. She was a little chubby, if not skinny, but her weight was within the normal range. She'd get bullied for her weight, and of course it was M who started it. M has always been overweight, and VZ is well overweight. Because of bullying, this girl, let's call her N, already in the 4th grade attempted Bad things that can cause a post to be deleted, and more than once. It is worth mentioning that she was bullied much stronger than me, and most likely the girl who was bullied already in the 5th grade. Let's call the girl who was bullied in 5th grade C. She was in the company of LF, VZ and M, but she was bullied because of her remarks. The bullying was too unjustified and severe. She became an outcast for the rest of 5th grade. Also M often makes nasty remarks towards other students. Me and N (we are good friends) want to get back at them, to take a violent revenge, but we don't know how best to do it. I think that what we want to do is not very humane and adequate, but we want them to feel at least half of what we and other people who have been bullied have felt. We want them to start bullying back. Let me explain why we have decided that this is the best way to retaliate. 1. We are not 14 and because of this they can not how to officially answer for their actions, that is, the punishment will not be strong, maximum scolded and all. In our country this is not taken seriously, if at all considered a problem. 2. Even if they put them on the register, or take them to the prevention council, they will not care. Their parents still think that they are always right. M's mom really hates me and talks about the way I dress. Besides, any punishment will be insufficient, they will not attempt Bad things that can cause a post to be deleted, they will not feel bad, they will not feel even a quarter of what the victims of bullying felt. 3- They are already hated by everyone because of their boorish behavior. They often pick on random people and bully them. And they basically do a lot of bad things. I posted this story to ask for help. What should we do? What's the best way to get revenge? "Tell the teacher" is not an option, like I said, no one cares.

submitted by /u/Hohoho26
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