I feel there is a 'pressure' on spreading ideas and thoughts that cause animosity towards family

2 months ago 26

Now first off. I am not an american, I do not care about the shit that goes on there.

But one thing I have noticed, there has been an uptic in stories or ideas that promote disagreeing, ignoring, cutting off, or ghosting family on numerous issues.

On Youtube Shorts, Tik Tok, Reddit and heck even in the news.

I've seen propagation of shorts on youtube that are clearly fake stories or very clearly motivated by a person to either be against political ideology or against people who support an ideology.

I usually dismissed them as content farms, but the more I look through the history of these channels.. they only seem to post "anti child" stories(or heavily discourage having kids stories and posts) or anti parents post(like sharing an obviously fake post of parents stealingfunds from one child to another)

Even commemts see a lot of bot comments that are pushing anti family posts

Like there are the same comments again and again. Each one that has the same "my dad was an ass" or "I cut off family and never been happier"

submitted by /u/Hopeful-for-EE-Movie
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