I feel like I have no direction in life

2 months ago 74

I’m 18. At 16 I passed my GCSEs (barely). At 18 I failed my A-Levels but somehow still got into uni. I’m not stupid by any means. I know based off grading that seems hard to believe, but I genuinely am quite smart. I just have an inability to learn about things I don’t care about. I hyperfocus on the topics I love and can watch and read for hours about things I like. But the things I don’t, I ignore. It’s why I failed my A-Levels. The responses I gave surrounding topics I found interesting were incredible, but that’s just it; I only answer those questions. I convinced myself I could change for uni but it’s looking like I can’t. I just don’t know what to do. You can’t make a career without doing all of the silly mundane things at the beginning. But no matter how many plans I draw up, and schedules I write, I can never do it. I just can’t. I want to be an MP. I have dreams that I care about and value so much but I’m terrified they will never be anything because I can’t seem to force myself to do things I don’t want to. I just don’t know what to do.

submitted by /u/Intelligent-Drink250
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