I enjoyed conspiracies as a kid 18 years ago. Now they're all coming true and I didn't realise it.

3 months ago 37

A lot of the conspiracies we read about nearly 2 decade ago have or are coming into fruitation. One of the big ones was a man made virus infecting nearly everyone. Covid was undoubtedly man made and leaked, that's not even a conspiracy anymore - however, whether that was on purpose or by accident remains unknown. Nearly everybody knows someone who had covid or who has had it, it reached everywhere and still mutates and circulates now. There could have been anything genetically encoded into that virus. This ties into the vaccine conspiracy, where a vaccination would potentially insert something nefarious into the body - although I find this more doubtful as it was a free for all with various organisations making them for the guaranteed fortunes to be made.

The staged alien invasion conspiracy was also a huge one. We're seeing drone incursions all over the world, especially over military bases in the UK, NJ in the US and Beijing. The US recently just admitted that they're not from our adversaries, our own or hobby drones. Wtf? Sorry but I highly doubt Aliens would use Drones with air traffic safety lights to spy on sensetive materials. This sounds to me like the US is gearing up for a fake invasion to unite us all, possibly before a real visitation. Regardless of your politics, you can observe that Trump is more accepting of letting Russia and China live how they want as opposed to perpetuating a war. I know he's said this is because the US should focus on the US instead but perhaps this is to reduce tension and pave the way for unity.

New World Order was one of the big conspiracy theories revolving around Freemasonry, and despite most of us knowing someone who has a charitable uncle or grandparent as a member, the group itself seems to maintain a huge presence with some big names who are active members. The YouTuber Jesse Michaels, who somehow worked his way up into having contacts with some extraordinarily important people, sometimes films his videos in the masonic halls of New York. It's crazy to think that this is just casually done without a decent explanation. You can't just walk in there and ask to start filming videos with important people in there who are advocating UFO and Alien disclosure. I personally think they are behind so much more than meets the eye.

The only other huge one left is the chips in the hand and forehead, do you remember those YouTube videos saying they'd do it in 2012? Unless you're reading and paraphrasing it to mean mobile phone widespread use, I don't think this one has come into fruitation.

What conspiracies have you noticed actually happen? By their very nature, they stop becoming conspiracies when they become fact, however more conspiracies seem to branch off from them!

submitted by /u/MilkofGuthix
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