i dont wanna get stuck

2 months ago 27

im currently 17 years old and a senior in highschool and im pretty much done w applying to colleges , although i have considered applying to some privates just for fun or to see if i get in. i’m really excited for my future but terrified because i’m not sure of what is to come. exploring has been everything i’ve dreamt of. all my life, but especially my teenage years, i’ve been raised by insanely strict mexican parents who hold their children by how they were raised, which always made me feel incredibly isolated & miserable growing up, and now they (more my mom than my dad) are trying to make me stay here where there are very limited opportunities for my major/career of interest because they know that me going to any college besides a community college makes me not in their control. they don’t support my major whatsoever and my brother constantly tries to convince my mom to force me to do another career which will make me more money. i don’t know what to do or what will happen from here considering not a single cent will come out of my moms pocket for college & i’ve already gotten accepted from a school that i’ve had my eyes on for a while. while there is nothing wrong with community college, such a tiny percentage of students that plan to transfer actually transfer, i’m not sure i wanna take the risk of missed opportunity for an entire 2 years. i wanna meet new people and i wanna explore, and i most especially don’t want to get stuck here considering i’ve lived here my entire life and all i want is something new and a mental break from the hell my parents put me through.

submitted by /u/givemeback2thesky
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