I dont know how to feel about my dad.

2 months ago 33

My Dad has traumatic childhood, and it is really effecting us. Here are few stories he told us. His parents literally abounded him and his brothers when he is in 6 grade. His parents moved them to another city center to an apartment. They sometimes came on weekend to drop some groceries. If my dad run out of groceries, he ate his friend's house or just stayed hungry. Even When he was living with his parents, his dad always beated him so badly. He went to military for 1,5 years and send letter to his family but never got reply, didn't visited him. He was planning to never come back but his parents insisted on coming home to do labor. He never got chance to study at university. He got into university with full schoolarship but his parets made him drop out. One day he packed and left the city to capital and planned to never comeback. He slept in masjid and his friends house for a week but couldn't fins a job so came back, but no one realized that he was missing or questioned him when came back. If you think parents might be poor. NO. His parents prefered traveling than taking care of his children. It has bee 21 years since my parents got married. And they are struggling a lot. Dad addicted to alcohol l, if he got money on his hand he runs to bar to drink until he runs out of money. My mom takes care of all finance in our house even gives money to my dad. Does my dad respect mom? NO. He totally disrespects and thinks mom is cheating. Reason for it: my mom is still beautiful and makes more money, wants to live comfortable. Mom wants to buy a car and always makes dua wishes for it. Dad gets angry yells at her that she is ungrateful and selfish. She never asks for dad such things, bc she knows he can do it. They are always fighting over little things too. Dad always talks with anger and loud like shouting at us. He is almost never satisfied with anything. My mom wants to divorce. But she is afraid of what my sisters (11 and 15) think. She is afraid that they might make her guilty for divorcing. I also want them divorce so thay can live in peace. I am worried about dad, where is he gonna live after divorce ( mom bought the house we are living in now with mortgage). How is he gonna live? He never considered his parents and siblings as family. He doesn't have anyone except us. But I want him to respect us and work harder.

submitted by /u/Real-Help803
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