I don't think I'm buying any of it, including Sarah Adams.

2 months ago 63

I don't trust anything from anyone anymore. Shawn Ryan? Who's to say he isn't a plant to plant psyop propaganda? Sarah Adams, how is she alive with all the "information" she's putting out against our government and other factions? The fact that she is alive, discredits her. I think we are all being played and manipulated and confused by information and contradicting information. Even if attacks happen on US soil, how do we really know who is behind it? The media is all fabricated, serious or entertainment. Politics are all fabricated. Our heroes like Tim Kennedy and Marcus luttrell are fabricated. The facts point to nothing being real. And even real acts of violence are just reactions at to manipulation and violence of fabrication.

Idk, I'm just disheartened. I want to support truth and reality, but there's nowhere to find it.

submitted by /u/Such_Current508
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