I don’t see how it ever gets better

22 hours ago 18

Life is just working and then being too exhausted to do anything else. I haven’t been happy in 10 years and I’m only 27. When I was in my early 20’s I had tons of friends, my own condo, and went out all the time, but I was miserable. Now I live back at home to save money don’t go out ever and I am still just us miserable. Even things I used to enjoy like watching sports and playing video games have lost joy. I have chronic back/neck/shoulder pain and I am always exhausted no matter how much I sleep.

I truly don’t see how it gets better. Take my dad for example. He bought his house 10 years ago, relatively speaking he would have to make 3x the same income to buy the same house now. Factor in the costs of living going up so much how is anybody supposed to actually get anything?

Not only is life completely unenjoyable but it only gets worse. I can’t find a single reason to be alive other than my parents would be sad if I wasn’t. For years I have always told myself things will get better or I’ll learn to live with etc but the fact is they don’t get better they get worse and I don’t want to just live with it.

How does anybody actually enjoy anything unless you are rich and work 20 hours or less per week.

There is no logical conclusion I can arrive to that makes life worth living. Somebody please try to poke holes in my argument because I truly do not understand. Life is 80-90% shit and the other 10-20% isn’t worth living for.

submitted by /u/Training-Same
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