I don't know what to do (still)

2 months ago 65

I'm in high school and my mother has been pestering me about the classes I'm taking and colleges I should go to and future career paths I should go into. I really want to experience that stereotypical college life but I honestly have no interest in any majors at all. Anything my mother has brought up did not interest me at all, I told her once that maybe I should get into mortuary science or something of that sort, she said fine but she definitely did not look pleased. She has told me that I don't need to do something I liked but rather something that will put food in my mouth. I get what she is saying but I just don't want that to be how I live, I want to enjoy what I do or at least have minimal interest in it (not saying I enjoy embalming and cremating dead bodies, I'm just not 100% against it as apposed to other fields) , because I feel like if I don't then I probably won't do a great job and might get fired very easily. I do like drawing traditionally and photography but I really can't see myself in any career related to it because it doesn't exactly pay well and I like the creative freedom of creating what I want rather then someone telling me what to draw or take photos of. I'm kind of looking for a career field/ major most colleges offer that isn't too math-heavy (no finance, any type of engineering, or business), my mother says that I need to find a new interest that will benefit me but I just don't like pretty much anything most places offer, I still want to go to college though so my mom won't completely cut me off because I feel like she might do that if I don't. I feel like my grades are pretty average (4 As and 3 Bs), I'm not good with computers at all, I can't code, I'm average at best with math but I hate it, I don't play any sports and I'm extremely unathletic, I have pretty bad social anxiety and it's very difficult for me to talk in front of a bunch of people and I'm not good at debating, I'm not even that good at photography, and the only thing I can do well is drawing, but even with that I lack a lot of creativity because I always need a reference photo. I know my options are slim to 0 but I really hope there is something for me out there. Can someone please give my advice or ideas on what to do or even courses I can take now in high school?

submitted by /u/Ok_Scheme5997
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