I’m 21 F, in US, and when I was 18 I decided to go to college in NYC, I’m from a 350 town population in the Midwest so why I thought that would be a good idea is insane to me now considering I’m a introvert who hates crowds, loudness etc… I lasted 5 months there before I dropped out and went back home. I decided a year later to start an online program for vet tech but quit because there was no internships available near me and it was required for the last course part. In between this I was always thinking about going to school in my state for archeology so at the beginning of this year after just working for 2 years with no school, I did some online tech courses to gain credits to transfer to a state school. Now I’m here majoring in archeology and I still don’t know if I’m doing the right thing, it’s hard to explain but I’ve just never felt like I was supposed to survive or be around this along as I had a very intense medical issue childhood and even issues now, so it’s like I’m not exactly sure wth I’m doing or why I’m doing it, I didn’t exactly plan to be around this long coupled up with I’m very indecisive and have never pictured myself in the future with a career or just a future in general. I’m kind of going off pick a career that makes you happy and I love history, and learning about it and everything but the dig. So I might switch my major to anthropology instead. Anyways here I am wanting to quit again and go back home to my comfortable life, because I don’t hate it here but I don’t love it also, my new work location because I’m part time sucks, the people/ costumers are awful compared to my last location where I had coworkers who were great and the people who came in weren’t bad, and I had my cousins to hang out with and here I have no one because I don’t have social skills or the ability to make friends (never have) Has anybody else felt this way of not knowing wth is going on or am I doing the right thing, how did you know if it was or wasn’t truly.
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