I don’t get along with my dad.

1 week ago 20

My parents divorced when I was very young and then my dad got laid off from work. He decided to work far away 4 hours from where we lived and I remember what I felt like when I heard that he was leaving. I remember it like a scene in a movie I was so sad and angry I didn’t understand why he would choose to do this. My dad didn’t disappear but I only saw him on weekends not every weekend but some, and every-time he left to go back to work I would cry I don’t know why I cried….. maybe because I just wanted my dad around? Maybe I felt like he was choosing work over me? Maybe both idk But it sucked and I hated it. Eventually he did move back, I believe I was 16 at the time and very depressed, but I missed my dad so much I moved back in with him. it was good for about a year, he started dating this woman and they became a stable relationship (for the first time for him since the divorce) which was good to see but as she moved in me and my dad started to not really agree as much and would get into arguments more frequently. Eventually it got so bad we ended up fighting ( I got my ass kicked ) no real physical damage but he definitely was 100% way stronger. I moved out obviously back with my mom and we didn’t talk for a while but eventually we became “cool” again, but we can never tolerate each other for longer than two days, we just get into arguments over anything and don’t see eye to eye and it’s weird because now that I’m 20 I go months without seeing my dad and I honestly just don’t care enough to go it doesn’t bother me that I don’t see him and I’m not sure why? Now the person reading is gonna think I do care which is why I’m typing this it’s not. I’m just curious on the psychology behind it.

submitted by /u/thewalkto
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