i cant remember life without phones.

1 day ago 8

i cannot remember a time when everyones head was not in there phones all the time. im starting to notice and get so upset that everywhere i go everyone is looking down at there phones. i travel and people are worried about getting a picture to post of a view instead of enjoying it. i can remember when social media had been around a bit but not long and it was like it was rude to just be on the phone all the time. or embaressing to be constantly taking pics of everything with your mug in it and posting it constantly ... or maybe just the group i was in seen it as vane.. i dont know. i just feel people are not validated by anything anymore until they post a pic of it. i hate it ... i cant even remember what it was like before phones really. but i faintly remember people living life and communicating much more

submitted by /u/Stockman131
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