I can’t take feeling sick all the time anymore.

3 months ago 36

It only started this fall. There was a while it was on and off but in the last month or two I’m constantly not feeling well. It’s not enough to interrupt my life or cause major problems, but it is enough to be a constant thing in my life. Every day it’s something new, constant fatigue, headache that stays too long, stomach cramps, chills, dizziness, nausea, and whatever else my body decides to feel that day. I just can’t take it anymore. I want my body to be normal again. It keeps me up at night and anxious throughout the day.

I have health anxiety and emetophobia and these feelings constantly activate my anxiety. I could hardly handle it when I used to only have one particularly bad day, and now that day is everyday. I feel like I’m in a nightmare that I can’t wake up out of. And this ailment isn’t caused by anxiety either, sometimes I wake up and it’s there, other times it sets in throughout the day. I’ll be in class about to have a panic attack because I feel like I’m physically about to pass out.

My family can’t help me, even if they take it seriously which they rarely do there’s nothing for them to help with because my feelings are vague enough to be caused by anything. Same with the doctor. If I tell them any sort of little thing wrong with my lifestyle (I’m sleeping 6 hours instead of 8, I miss meals sometimes, etc) they use it to explain all of my symptoms when it doesn’t feel right. I’m just so sick and tired, I feel like giving up.

submitted by /u/Forward_Geologist_67
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