I can't live in this world, knowing nobody cares.

2 months ago 31

Before you say that I don't deserve anything, and this is entirely my fault. I just want to say that this I think, applies to everyone. Nobody seems to care, not a mother, friend, or someone else, romantically or patriotically, may care. I thought we were all supposed to have a basic sense of respect for one another? I guess the less unfortunate should be expelled, if of no use, material or not. It seems like the more contributions you do, only get you so far as just another object, to be used for one's own message. Why even wake up? Truly, when you have no one by side, I don't think I should. Get up for myself? Why? We were built with companionship, as a society, with love and passion. I don't think anyone can be a lone wolf archetype, it is just not how we are structurally made. We are social animals, and with that, come so many negatives, that many of us, don't even realize. On a day to day basis, we might actively make someone's world worse. Only the strong will survive. I don't want to be here, not with this.

submitted by /u/Ashamed-Success-3826
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