I believe The Elan School is burning down their own buildings to destroy evidence that directly links them to 50 years of child abuse. Check out my research because once you see the long relationship that the Elan administration has had with "mysterious fires" I think you may be convinced too.

6 hours ago 1

For those of you who have never heard of The Elan School and want to dive down an insane conspiracy rabbit-hole, click here: https://elan.school.

For those who want the tl;dr: The Elan School was an abusive cult in Maine that pretended to be a reform school for “Troubled Teens” from the US and Canada. A good amount of the kids locked up in Elan did nothing more than smoke a joint or talk back to their parents. The majority of staff members were former Elan inmates who were offered huge salaries to keep the scam going. A webcomic created by a former resident (linked above) has gone viral by exposing all of these things to the world.

Now here is where my specific conspiracy starts. Elan spent the majority of its life protected and under the radar. That is no longer the case and I think they are doing something about it using a tactic they know well: mysterious fires.

Check this out:

November 17, 2024: Defunct Elan School building in Poland flattened by flames

This article explains how a "mysterious fire" burned down a building at Elan. What the article doesn't state is that the building in question is Elan 8 - the house of the resident who wrote the webcomic exposing Elan.

Now check out what just happened:

March 7, 2024: Defunct Elan School dining hall in Poland destroyed by flames

Yes, ANOTHER mysterious fire just leveled Elan 3 - the other building that housed children in Elan. It's important to note that during the time of the webcomic, only three buildings were left that housed children: Elan 8, Elan 7, and Elan 3. Two of those buildings (and all the evidence inside from decades of abuse) are now piles of ashes.

It's definitely possible that people have read the webcomic and gotten so pissed off that they decided to find the Elan campus and start burning down buildings... sure. But, what if Elan's management is purposely burning them down? Here is why I believe this theory should be looked into:

1) None of the Elan management have ever been charged with a crime (yes, still!) and they must be shitting their pants waiting for the hammer to drop or a class-action lawsuit to start

2) Burning down those buildings destroys evidence

3) Burning down those buildings makes it impossible for future documentary or film crews to show the locations where the abuse went down (thus making it feel more real to the viewer)

But wait there's more!

Elan and fire have a really long relationship that goes far beyond current times. (You can see Chapter 46 of the webcomic for more details)

January 8, 1974: Fire Levels Drug Center, Damage Set at $100,000.

On a cold night in Maine a mysterious fire destroys the Elan 1 building that housed everyone (they only had one house back then). Elan administration claims there were expensive remodels and upgrades lost to the fire, so the Elan owners get multiple times the value and are able to upgrade the entire Elan complex.

December 13, 1983: A three-story wooden clubhouse building at the Scarborough Downs horse racetrack was destroyed early Monday by fire.

Oh yeah, Elan didn't just own the school, they also owned the biggest horse-racing casino in Maine. Well guess what happened?! A mysterious fire burned down the Scarborough Downs clubhouse. The clubhouse was valued at $93,000 in 1979 but the lucky Elan management was able to replace it at 2.2 million! Another nice upgrade to such a tragic and unfortunate accident.

When looking up this incident I have discovered there was even ANOTHER fire at the track after being bought by Elan. This article is behind a paywall but I copy/pasted the relevant data:

1979: Joseph Ricci and Gerard Davidson, a psychiatrist from Massachusetts, founders of the controversial Elan School in Poland, Maine, buy the Downs as Davric Maine Corp.

1980: After a pair of fires destroy two barns and kill 15 horses, Ricci razes and replaces 15 wooden horse barns with six cinder-block structures that have 60 stalls each.

1985: Ricci spends $3 million to expand and renovate facilities at the Downs, including a refurbished track and a new clubhouse, using $2.2 million in insurance claims after the original clubhouse burned down in 1983.

Honestly, the entire subject of Elan and the US "Troubled Teen" industry is completely insane and should be discussed far more often by the conspiracy community. Both Democrats and Republicans have let this shit go on so this goes far beyond politic and blaming the other side.

Schools that murder children (yes, children were literally MURDERED there) shouldn't be allowed to operate until 2011.

Schools that North-Korea-brainwash children shouldn't be allowed to just "close" after being exposed by survivors, with none of the administration facing any consequences legally.

Schools like Elan are also very much still open and thriving in the United States. Since Elan was exposed, a lot of these institutions are finding new and better ways to hide and fly beneath the radar.

Don't let them! The corruption of the Elan administration knows no bounds and it wouldn't surprise me at all to learn that they are now burning down their own buildings. Why wouldn't they? Look how long (and how much) they have been allowed to get away with until now.

submitted by /u/aaaa22222
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