I am not worried at all even though I should seriously be worried, why?

1 month ago 22

I am from a country where the military conscription law was announced and it's also made official that if you get conscripted, you can't leave the country any more until you have served your years in the military. My country is fighting in a lot of Civil Wars and joining military is like a very bad plan. It's been a year since this is going on and a lot of people have joined in the past and even died in the battle grounds.(Not anyone I know personally)

After this was announced, I personally know people who bought flight tickets over night and left the country immediately. A lot of my friends followed shortly after and now this country doesn't have a lot of people about my age at all. Only those who can't afford to leave seem to be left.

Now, for me, I have a remote job that pays me well to relocate effortlessly. But, I am not worried about this at all. I feel like people are exaggerating and unnecessarily leaving the country. I am still in this country and I have no fear to leave immediately. I have already planned to leave within 2 weeks. But, people I know have been encouraging me to leave over night. I don't want to do it because I feel really rushed and I still haven't sorted out the visa and room rental just yet and I strongly believe everything will still be fine if I leave within 2 weeks.

So, my question is, is it gut feeling that makes me feel like there is nothing to worry about? Is it intuition? I feel absolutely nothing at all. I seem to believe I can easily get out of the country. I am leaving in 2 weeks and that will help me plan more carefully and a lot more cost effective. Since, if I just leave now, it would cost a lot more to take care of visa and room rental and back and forth of flights and everything.

But, if this intuition or whatever feeling this is turns out to be wrong, the risk seems to be quite high. Joining military means losing my job and future altogether. But, still, I just can't even imagine this happening to me not because I am afraid but because this is absurd and I am just entirely convinced this is not gonna happen.

Usually, I am a very anxious person. But, in this situation, I feel nothing, no worry at all

submitted by /u/Head_Being_4926
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