I Am An American Journalist and The Government is Trying to Kill Me

2 months ago 33

My name is Rebecca Barglowski. I am a digital journalist, and throughout most of my career, I focused primarily on pop culture for outlets like intomore.com, hiphopdx.com, and post-trash.com. My love for pop culture conspiracy theories and gossip also extends into investigative work, like this piece: I Learned My Hometown, In New Jersey, Welcomed The KKK, for Cracked.com.

As of late, my most recent investigation has led me to the discovery that New Jersey’s drinking water is and has been incredibly contaminated. While this singular article focuses only on how NJ’s drinking water has been contaminated with PFAs chemicals for over 20 years, a deeper look at the Raritan and Middlesex Water Systems reveals even more possibilities of contamination from fecal bacterias, radioactive radon, disinfection byproducts, and lead.

In the process of doing research for this article, all the documents utilized were public documents from various government agencies. The more I uncovered about New Jersey’s drinking water, the more I realized that all these agencies involved: the EPA, the NJDEP, the USGS, and more, know fully well just how dangerously contaminated NJ’s tap water is.

My initial interest in New Jersey’s water began with a visit to New Brunswick’s Robert Wood Johnson University hospital on March 16th of 2024. I went to the emergency room feeling incredibly ill. While there, they ran multiple tests on me, all of which revealed multiple physical ailments. My glucose levels were 157. My C02 levels were low at 21.1 and my Urinalysis was also incredibly abnormal.

Still, the emergency department transferred me to the basement of the facility for behavioral or mental health services from 3/16-3/18. While in the basement, I was not only consistently denied medical attention while coughing up black mucus, but I also witnessed things like a patient being dragged across the floor and another patient who spoke Spanish and seemed to struggle with schizophrenia but was not given a translator whatsoever. The doctors then forced me to sign myself “voluntarily” into another facility by saying that if I did not sign the paperwork, they would submit me “involuntarily.”

From 3/18 – 3/20, I was at Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care in Piscataway.

While there, I noticed that the facility got water delivered in containers each day for the patients to drink. Something they most certainly did not do for me in the basement at Robert Wood Johnson. I also got more tests done, which further revealed just how much I needed medical treatment.

In addition to having the drinking water delivered at University Behavioral Health Care on Rutgers’ Busch Campus, I took note of how they were having the ceiling tiles replaced in empty rooms. I also believe that many of the rooms, mine included, had asbestos ceiling tiles. Upon signing myself out, I straight up told them I was a journalist, that I had suspicions about asbestos and the water, and I also had to write my place of occupation on the sign out form.

I then began to take interest in New Jersey’s drinking water.

I very quickly realized that ever since my stay at RWJ in March 2024, I have been and was being followed everywhere I went. The more I discovered for my article on the contamination of New Jersey’s drinking water, the more I feared for my life.

Please help me, I am so scared.

The full story and all the proof and pictures are on my blog: https://beccabarglowski.wordpress.com/2024/12/14/i-am-an-american-journalist-and-the-government-is-trying-to-kill-me/

submitted by /u/slightstoopkid
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