I almost had the most wonderful dream

2 months ago 38

I spent most of the day yesterday in a deep slump and behind in every task imaginable; really feeling lousy about life. Then this morning, I had this dream...

I was in my favorite old boss's office, before he retired, and I was sorting through mail when I came across a letter addressed to me. With a grin on his face, he told me to open it. I began to and he said, "We've been doing some research on you, asking around and we've heard some very good things. We didn't fully understand how valuable you are. Because of all of those good things everybody had to say, we've decided to give you a substantial raise, and I mean SUBSTANTIAL." The envelope contained all sorts of positive comments from people I knew or had worked with in the past, and just as I was about to start reading, and discover how much of a raise it actually was, my wife woke me up and asked me to get the baby ready because she was late for work. 🫤

submitted by /u/JinTravail
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