For context, I love this girl and she loves me too and we are both sure that we want to spend the rest of our lives with each other. However, the only reason that I am unable to is because her father told me that if I want to be in a relationship with her, I can only do so if I marry her and the only way I can do that is to be able to financially support her (and I am trying to do so everyday but the day I can actually get married might be within 2 years or so as I am also a university student).
Another thing I should add is that her father really likes me and wants me to marry his daughter but like I said, the circumstances don't permit that.
Now I don't blame her father at all and this is not the reason for my post and I absolutely don't think that waiting a year or however is long is a problem. I am ready to wait my entire life if I have to (I know I am probably young and stupid when I say this). The reason why I am posting this is because I want to learn how to get over her. Thinking about the possibility of us getting married is keeping me incredibly attached to her. I don't do things for myself anymore and I do it all for her. For example, when I work/study, I don't do it for myself, I do it all for her and the thought of us finally getting married. When I exercise, I don't do it for myself, I do it because of how I want to stay healthy and so on for her. When I go out and take pictures of interesting things or if something out of the ordinary happens in my life, I save it all somewhere in hopes that I would one day tell her. I am sure you can see where this is going and why this is very unhealthy.
Another reason why I think this is dangerous is because I am thinking logically when I say that she could find another guy and just move on with her life. This is actually something that happened to one my friends in exactly the same situation as mine. He was with his girl and was unable to marry her and had to cut her off for 3 years until he was able to, but by the time he was able to, she already found another person.
I don't want to date her, I want to marry her. This decision is also based off of religious reasons and that is also why her father does not want me speaking to her. I also don't want to hurt her and lead her on more than I already did just for her father to find someone else for her and force her to do something out of her will so I am choosing not to speak to her I guess to protect her emotionally.
I guess the only advice that I am looking for is how I am able to get over her and start doing things for myself rather than base my life around the fantasy that she and I could be together.
Please don't comment about her father or say things like if she really wanted to she would marry me tomorrow or idk what else could be said. I am pleased with my situation and I don't mind it. I am also sorry if parts of this does not make sense, I don't really know how to communicate my emotions properly.
Thank you in advance.
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