How to not get envious of neighbours having the perfect love and life?

2 months ago 78

I am a 26 y.o man. For the holidays I am coming back home in my home city. In the opposite to my building there lives a couple in their early 30s. They live in the building with the woman's parents (who own roughly half the building) in separate apartments. They've been living there since the pandemic. They look like the perfect couple both somewhat attractive especially the woman and working in health care. They go to work together and do long talks on the terrace in the evening (in summer). When I am away from home I don't see them and stop thinking about them. When I am in my city I see them more often and think - "Oh how much ahead in life they are compared to me" who lives on rent and still has a lot to save for an apartment in another city, who lives single and never has had a real relationship and never Co lived with a woman. They are so far head it's non comparable but what is worse it has been like this since 2020 and I have gone on dozens of dates few of which ending with sex and none of with ending with finding love. So why is their life (they were roughly my age in 2020) so put together while I despite being fit, well dressed, have a stable job despite not being in health care, well travelled and will travel more am single and spent the nights alone.

What was odd was although they were together on Christmas eve. The guy went to his own city (he is from elsewhere a 3hr drive from here) to celebrate while the woman I saw went to celebrate with her parents. That was odd that she didn't go with him to celebrate with her future in laws. It's funny as I remember being the same last year.

submitted by /u/No_Refrigerator_7841
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