How many of you wasted a lot of time with the wrong people who made you stupid too?

1 month ago 41

Are these thoughts, regrets relatable for you...

I'm 23 now and I wasted my time from 14-19, pretty much all my teenage with the same fake, weird people because of my introverted ass who wouldn't put in the effort to explore all other people irl. I should've put more effort into a few internet friends of mine and focused more on talking online more in discord, amino, reddit, games, learning about countries, cultures, watch interesting youtubers, movies

These people were either not my type at all, used me, didn't saw me like how I saw them. Never had any deep convos with them, it was all just jokes with them.

Shyness and wanting to fit in is truly the worst guys. Because of my shyness I didn't approached people of my kind. Wanting to fit in made me conform to some of their weird mannerisms and ideology which prevented me from making better friends! One of these guys I hang around used to fat shame this other friend as "jokes" but I didn't criticize him even tho I know it was wrong why? Because I wanted to fit in.

These people were constantly demotivating too but I took them as "jokes"

Guys please experiment with a lot of people before forming a small group in school/college/work.

submitted by /u/Charming_Average2413
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