Again that same stupid date 18th march

5 hours ago 1

It's been 23 years, I'm passing that same stupid date again and again. Earlier it was fun, it used to give me pleasure, cause people used to celebrate my day from their heart, but after certain age it became a burden for me. I know none care about that date anymore, none care about me anymore, nor I expect. But still little in my heart I do expect that few people, whom I wish every year by remembering their birth dates at 12, do remember mine too. But none wished me, which is fine. But this day helps you to understand your value to people, specially to those, whom you care a lot. I personally don't like 18th march, from the last few years, from when I understood that, people who show you love are not the one whol really loves you, and specially if you're a boy, please forget about love, no one cares about you bro.

And after reading this don't think that I'm asking for bday wishes, what I'm asking for is a peace of life, where there will be some close people, even 1 close person will work. I don't really like to post sad things on social media, but every year this day bring sorrow in my life.

BTW Happy birthday to me, to Champ, work hard, one day everyone will come back or you'll get more people who will care about you.

submitted by /u/hey_shovan_
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