How do you cope with being your familys’ “black sheep”?

3 months ago 36

This year has been a huge learning curve for me. Now coming to the end I’ve taken the time to do some reflection. It’s become obvious this year that my extended family don’t include me in their social events, and as of late this year, neither do my close family. My mum passed away last year and she was definitely the glue that kept us all close. I do admit that I’m an odd individual, as I’m an introverted & I’m into things they’re not necessarily into. My mum always “got me” but now she’s gone, it’s pretty much accepted in my family to openly exclude me.

It’s been so hurtful for me, I feel like my child is missing out on so much of her family & memories. I’m a single mum & this whole experience has been crushing. Although, I’ve been told through therapy to “adjust my expectations” with family, and become accustomed to this treatment. It still hurts, I’d be interested to hear whether anyone else has experienced this type of treatment by family and how you deal with it?

submitted by /u/virgo_q
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