How do people think TikTok is evil and spying on us but the rest of the internet does not? Trying to wrap my head around this lack of logic.

2 months ago 109

First off, apologies if this is the wrong subreddit, but genuine question. How do people not understand how the world really works?

Eg. I was having a conversation with my family members, all of which have at least a Master’s Degree, about social media. It was, “TikTok was dangerous because it’s owned by China and spies on the people.” I pointed out it was all the same for any social media and Meta, and was told “no it’s not period.”

I then explained if you follow the money all governments are working together behind closed doors for them to call me a “conspiracy theorist” and “an idiot.” When I asked my family members what do they think they would find about any social media app or internet site at all collecting personal data about the people, to which they responded with “nothing because that’s not how politics or the government(s) work.” I was dumbfounded and attempting to grasp at strings when I pointed out their favorite (fictional) Netflix shows depict money trading hands behind closed doors behind government sectors to be told “that’s why it’s fiction but TikTok is owned by China so it’s evil.” They were somehow turning this into a rant about how Trump is going to ruin America when I got up and walked away.

I am at a loss. Who else can relate?

submitted by /u/DumbledoreArmy94
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