How do I stop feeling like I’m broken

3 months ago 34

I’ve always been on survival mode, spent most of my life studying and trying to push through. Ended up with a lifelong struggle with my mental health and other life stuff. I ended up not too bad given the circumstances, I have just started a promising career as a physician after years of academic excellence and I’m proud of myself for that but after starting actually working I’m feeling stupid and underperforming. Physically I look 10 times better than I did before but I still feel like I’m not enough. I get ample attention sexually from men but finding one who cares to know me has been impossible and I’ve retired dating. I feel like an empty shell. I can’t connect with anyone emotionally and I haven’t had close friendships or a social life where I live now. I have no hobbies or passion and if I’m not at work I’m on my phone or asleep. Although I’m doing better mentally I still feel like a fraud on all fronts and I don’t know how to get out of that line of thinking

submitted by /u/coIdwarkid
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