How do I overcome the eternal guilt and regrets that have been haunting me for the last 11 years?

1 month ago 35

I regret not doing well in university. I should've worked like a dog but did not appreciate college as an opportunity to migrate.

All of my close friends have left the terrible country that I live in (Lebanon) and went on to become successful doctors and engineers in the US and Canada, management and financial consultants in UAE, managers in Saudi Arabia, auditors in Luxembourg and France.

I'm here stuck between terrible jobs and unemployment (my 20s absolutely ruined); I've sent endless CVs, cover letters, thousands of applications throughout the years but nothing worked to get a respectful job in my major. I've been on this spiral since I graduated.

I'll be 31 in a few months and think about the regret every day when I wake up for the past several years; it paralyzes me and I often feel a heavy pain in my chest that keeps me from getting up the morning. I think I'll end it pretty soon, there is no second chances here.

submitted by /u/AccountMediocre3857
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