24F have been with my 31 M for 3 years and engaged for a year. When we first started dating I used to tell my best friend every thing about our relationship, the good days and all the arguments. And I think when I got over the arguments, she was still mad. We get into regular couple arguments over small things, nothing like him cheating or talking/liking pics of other girls. And most of our arguments happen when we’re both drunk and go out. I have known my best friend since we were like 13 years old, and we aren’t from US but we live here. In my culture, it’s common for the man to take care of the woman financially and currently she is living with her bf who is also from my county and he takes care of her financially. He pays her tuition, and everything. She doesn’t work and just goes to Pilates class and takes care of their house. But her bf is financially well off than me and my fiance. Lately, she keeps sending me TikTok’s where it says “some men will send you to Pilates with lululemon and some will send you to therapy choose wisely” or posts that are mainly focused on men taking care of their gfs/wives financially. She has told me to break up with him and she has even said that my fiance is with me because I make more than him and he is using me. I don’t think that’s the case, he separate all our bills 50/50. I did grow up in a culture where my dad took care of everything and my mom did work but she didn’t have to go 50/50. My fiance works hard, he went back to school so he can get a better job, and I love him but now my best friend has got in my head and I’m starting to think do I really need to marry for money? Or chase men that are successful than me? I’m 24 and need your alls guidance. I want to elope with him this March because he is my best friend and I wanna marry him, I can’t imagine my life without this man but my best friend keeps putting doubt in my head.
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