How do I get my life back to being more positive or find hope

2 months ago 36

Hi - 35F here. I used to go to the gym, stay fit , focus on self improvement a lot sometime back. For the past 1 year I have been watching the news more and getting more aware of how the world is and people are dying in wars, without food , everywhere there is violence, people are bad, even when someone is nice to me I wonder what skeletons he/she is hiding or how shady they are or are they trying to use me or are they really friends? I also had some shitty people who cared for nothing but themselves for friends who I took distance from a year back who also broke the hope I had in people , I have been lately feeling what is the point of self improvement or working towards anything, everything/everyone is shit anyway. I have a good job and I do work hard at it and make good money but that is for me to survive, but I used to be this person who was all about self improvement and now that the bubble I was in where everything was good and happy has been broken I am not motivated to do anything at all and feel like what’s the point . I want to get out of this rut I am in and idk how to go about handling bad shit happening because reality is not what I thought it was and still live a life of happiness. Is that even possible? Any thoughts on how I can maybe..?

submitted by /u/Vegetable-Two5164
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