How did the global elite control our lives, historically?

3 months ago 33

With all this remote viewing, rendering the images from the visual cortex of you brain (viewing your imagination and thoughts), knowing all your internet data, fluoride, cell towers, food, education etc.

There’s 100’s of different ways they control us. But those were the few from the top of my head. But I feel all of these methods require relatively more recent tech to execute, compared to say 130 years ago. But apparently they’ve always been in control anyway. I know they have much more superior technology unbeknownst to the public. That only they themselves use. But do you think they were controlling the mainstream public to that extent, say.. in 1898? Or did the ways of control get more and more stronger as time went on and technology evolved? Because back then, how could they know and monitor everyone the same way they do now? And most people lived rurally, growing their own foods, how could they influence the world with gmo food back then?

Just curious on how the global elite historically programmed in a time when such tech wasn’t as advanced. So in the late 19th century or early 20th century. What was their methods of controlling us?

submitted by /u/unrealgfx
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