How common is it for life to get worse after college?

3 months ago 74

24M coming up on a year post college (major: mass communications, minor: business administration). My life has regressed since getting my degree. One year of applying for jobs and I have a total of zero interviews. I work part-time retail for minimum wage and I’m basically holding on by a thread from falling into NEET life. I never made any connections while in college, so I have no friends of girlfriend and no opportunities to get better socially because I’m stuck in my hometown. I do have passions like content creation and gym, but I’ve also watched a lot more porn and done more doomscrolling to cope with my reality.

I have some regrets from college. I was disillusioned and thought that my degree was enough to get a good job. It wasn’t.
It seems like college and the four years your enrolled are the years where you need to figure things out. You don’t realize all the opportunities you had at college before you leave and enter the real world, where opportunities are scarce and hard to come by.

submitted by /u/Acceptable_Car1140
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