How can I get a W before this year ends ??

3 months ago 39

Sighs, im so scared to even share this but in all honesty I’m living a very horrible life and it’s all thanks to me. I blame myself and my mental health. I’m 27, I don’t have a job. No degree. Not driving. Don’t have any savings. Sighs I don’t even have relevant skills to survive in todays world. Like what am I doing with my life.

I feel so trapped in my thoughts or mind that I’m not even living the real world life. I don’t know what’s going on besides scrolling on social media trying to understand the world like I’m such idiot. I allowed my advisor words to take it personally. She said the course you’re trying to get into is very competitive so I suggest you go to university and pursue a bachelors degree in something. Community college is waste of time. You won’t land a good paying job. So I stopped taking classes. I couldn’t focus on my job so I got fired. I applied many jobs but no luck. Then as time went by, I started giving up. I lost hope. I’m unemployed for over two years now. My family is extremely mad and worried like how will you repair yourself. They keep saying learn driving so you can find a better job and you can even go college and take classes. This year has been painful and I’m just ashamed. I have no self control. I’m letting anxiety fear doubts control me. I don’t understand what am I suppose to be doing and how to do it. People my age have beyond significant savings. They are independent and some are even married with children. I’m sick of seeking answers and clarity. From reading posts, watching videos and making myself happy by lying

submitted by /u/Jpoolman25
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