How can I be happy with whatever I have and wherever I am (personally and professionally)?

2 months ago 111

The best way to be happy with whatever we have and whatever we are is called fulfillment. It comes with contentment. It comes with the resolve to be fully satisfied. How can we be fully satisfied? By the simple realization that we come with nothing and we go with nothing, and realizing further that I am not this body that will die. I am not the mind I cannot find. It is the mind M I N D that is creating Misery, Ignorance, Negativity, through its Desires but where is the mind, we cannot find. Therefore, if we contemplate in silence, if we meditate on life, we will be able to escape from that expressway called achievement and take an exit to that state of fulfillment where there will be contentment.

submitted by /u/atmaninravi
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