Hey everybody, I've some quite complex problems in my life and I'm an over thinker as well and its messing me up and i do have problems in me or with people as well and i really wants to change myself in a better way. Please share some realistic advices so that i could do implement in my life.

2 months ago 30

Lately, i have realised i have some complex patterns and habits and its clearly messing me up. I've identifed most of them but not all. And i really want to change for the better cause its taking a mental toll on me and its ruining my friendships and relationships with the people i have who dearly loves me :) And i am hurting them and i really dont want to but its getting too much. I want to understand what's going on inside me and how can i really go into the root cause of problems i have and understand the conritions.

I just want to improve myself cause i have done so many terrible mistakes and i do have a guilt of it as well cause I've went too wrong too far in my life but i want to change for the better, i don't want to repeat them i want to learn from it but unfortunately its not working I've tried everything i could thats why now i really want to change and now i want some realistic good advices from the people who've been through the same :) so if you could help it would be highly appreciated ...

submitted by /u/quirky_krati_15
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