Has Anyone Noticed Significantly Worse Driving Lately?

4 months ago 42

Just a disclaimer, I'm 29, not some crotchety old man upset about whippersnappers and their fast cars.

In the last 2 weeks or so, I've almost been in 9-10 accidents, none of which would have been my fault. I've watched people: blow stoplights, blow stop signs, cram into lanes at the last second without turn signals, go well over 50mph over the speed limit, swerve constantly in their lane as if drunk, and many other issues.

Last week, I had to give a witness report because I was first in line to see a woman run a red and T-Bone a cop car.

I'd noticed driving getting worse for the last couple months, but it seems like after the election everyone just stopped caring about their safety and the safety of others.

Anyone else noticing the same things?

submitted by /u/Impendingdoom777
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