Has anyone ever heard of Woman from Valley of Death by Natsuki Shizuko? (死の谷から来た女)

19 hours ago 4

I got it for one dollar at a Japanese market. I tried to look up the book, but all I could find are reviews from obscure websites. Nothing in English. I don’t think this book was even translated into English. Sure weird find, but from what I could gather, it’s apparently a cliche book with a plot similar to a lot of hallmark movies or Cdramas where a broke woman finds a rich man, from what I could gather. Except the rich man wants the woman to adopt him? Idk. I’ll (try to) read it and see if I can figure out what the plot is. My Japanese is pretty bad, though, so it’ll definitely be a challenge.

I’ll post an update once I finish chapter one

submitted by /u/Copper_Wave
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