Han Kang - “I read one poetry book and one novel every day, to recharge myself with the density of the sentences.”

1 month ago 22

I came across an interview with Han Kang, the author of the Vegetarian and who won the Noble prize this year.

She said that she reads one poetry book and novel each day.

I try to read one book per month but it is often a lofty goal to achieve for me. And I respect ppl who read one book per week!

I’m not doubting her at all. I’ve got noting but respect for her and very proud of her (because I’m from Korea!)

But I can’t help wonder - is it really possible?

I’m guess at her calibre it is. I just can’t imagine the speed and the rate of absorption when she reads. That’s insane!

Has anyone read the entire book in one day? Did you feel you retained the story at all? Just curious about the experience.

submitted by /u/proudmelon
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