Most of us fixate on what we don't have instead of what we have. The gist of it is straightforward, but carrying on with life with this philosophy is quite difficult in the beginning. You cannot feel this way if you are overtly attached to something in this world, is what I have realized. Over-attachment to anything, let be it food, alcohol, gaming, streaming series, or even other people will always have this feeling of more needs and desires with a string to it. Once the string is cut, we wallow in self-pity, sadness, and directionlessness. But if we try a lil bit to rotate the camera of life to the other angle, we may realise that we have pretty much everything, and the biggest thing - YOU'RE BREATHING, and YOU'RE ALIVE.
I spent a lot of time hating everything until recently when my marriage didn't work out. But one fine morning while having breakfast with my dad, he asked me "Why are you feeling so low"? I replied "I feel like something is missing", and he said, "Just look around and realize you're breathing". The conversation felt simple, but the next morning, I started to feel grateful, that I was alive and at peace. I looked around and also realized that I have everything one would aspire to, I have a pretty comfortable life. So many of us don't even have anything to call home, 3 meals a day, or clean water. And here I am fixating too much on someone's departure who was never even a good human in the 1st place.
There's so much more to life. Sometimes a shift in perspectives is all we need.
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