Got fired from my dream job

2 months ago 31

Got fired from my dream job because of anxiety

I had a dream job, one of the best in the world. But i got fired yesterday — for playing a few pranks, being too playful, and for doing some silly stuff that was deemed inappropriate and a violation of company policies. Trying to come to terms with it.

On one hand, I was anxious every single day going to work purely because of the social aspect (been having social anxiety recently). But on the other, this job was paying well, leading the field, and I had vesting equity that I’ve now lost.

It all began with this weird social anxiety / ocd. I tried everything — psychedelics, therapy, and finally began doing prozac. On one offsite I drank a little too much alcohol and said and did some silly things. It made a few people uncomfortable. Other times I was too playful and violated some company policies.

It’s hard to make sense of. I would love some advice.

On one hand i’m thinking that going freelance for the first time in my life might let me be myself more. On the other, to join another lesser company, if they would have me. But mainly to take a much needed break after a long long time.

Still tho, every time I see this company in the news, I beat myself up for the perfect situation I had that I’ve thrown away.

Anyone been through anything similar?

submitted by /u/thebestmodesty
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