Got chased in car

3 months ago 41

i was driving home and some car was in the middle of the road, I flashed him because I thought he stalled it and was trying to turn around or whatever, then he flew off, i was behind, then he stopped at roundabout to the left, and i passed on the right, then he sped past me and stuck his middle finger out, at this point im like wtf is going on, he then put his hazards on and pulled to the side, obviously wanting me to stop, i carried on and passed him again... he then chased after me again, right up my back, and even going on the opposite side to pass me, he did again, illegal pass, got to an island, before anotha roundabout and he stopped me, got out and asked if I was someone, asked me where im going, at first he didnt believe me when i said i wasn't who he was calling, he got back in his car, then flew off lol

Anyone know what he was after?

Drug/money or some shit?

submitted by /u/Open-Bite-3153
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