Golden Calf

1 day ago 10

Biden is the obvious puppet, an empty vessel used to usher in unchecked degeneracy, gender confusion, lawlessness, and the collapse of national identity. But Trump is the more dangerous deception: the golden calf in red, white, and blue. While many see him as the last hope against globalism, he exalts himself as a messiah figure, all while bowing to the Beast. Israel’s "greatest ally,” funds Zionist agendas, and surrounds himself with Chabad handlers and Jesuit elites. His penthouse is literally a temple to Apollo, the Greek sun-god. After the Hezbollah attack, Trump was gifted a gold Apollo pager. This isn’t theory, he flaunted it. Even his AI video released a golden statue of himself in Israel, a modern reenactment of Exodus 32. While Biden burns the nation from within, Trump offers a seductive illusion of restoration, but it’s idolatry wrapped in patriotism. The golden calf has returned, and the people are dancing again.

submitted by /u/TreyinHada
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