General Happiness

2 months ago 31

Just thought I would share this as it’s been on my mind the past couple days.

I went to sonic to grab some food, and the same teen guy comes out. He is always super nice, cuts up with me, and is just always in a good mood when I see him. I made sure to tell him how good of job he does and that his positive attitude goes further than he could imagine.

I called the general manager and relayed this info to them. They were super ecstatic. I know he probably won’t get anything for it. ( a raise ) It just felt good to me that I could bring someone’s positive actions and mindset to light.

I feel like people in general don’t get told often at all about things like this. Either it be from work, our home lives, or everyday general feelings. I just want everyone to know that even though nobody knows who I am, I am proud of you. Even on days that we slip up, I’m happy and proud for you. Life swings hard, but we swing harder. Keep on keeping on guys. Life is a garden, so dig it!

submitted by /u/WadLod
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