For those who go frequently raves

4 hours ago 4

I'm getting to know someone on a romantic level (possibly dating in the future) who frequently goes to raves. I don't mind that he does, it's his happy place. However, he's recently told me that he and often 7 other ravers (most are into drinking/drugs) share one room and 2 beds to save costs, as in, 4 people on one bed, 4 on another. I was immediately uncomfortable and wanted to tell him right then and there that if we were to start dating, it needed to stop but idk if Im being unreasonable. He says it's normal for ravers who travel but I don't know if this is true. I don't like that he's nesled up against other people who are drunk/high for 3+ nights at all. Yet, I feel if I tell him to stop doing it, I'll be taking part of his fun away.

submitted by /u/Cool_Ranch01
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