Fitness saved my life, but you never would really know it.

2 months ago 40

Fitness saved my life, but you never would really know it.

I am 5'10", 130 lbs, very lean, and 90% of my length is in my legs. I have never had much muscle mass and I look more lanky than a giraffe. Genetically, I do come from slender people. I had two VERY athletic siblings growing up, but I was the book worm that never played a day in my life. I had no interest in anything sports, or fitness, or even health related my entire life.

At 26, I found myself in a miserable marriage with mental health and thyroid issues. I was on a handful of prescription medications and spent a majority of my spare time sitting on the couch - spiraling down by the day. One day, I got the most wild idea to walk in to Anytime Fitness. I was wearing jeans, and a hoodie, with shoes NOT suitable for working out. But I got on a treadmill and walked the exact distance of one mile. The person that walked in to that gym was a person of the past. I felt refreshed and renewed--excited for the future.

I know the science of it all...Increased endorphins released through exercise, better regulation of stress response, improved self-esteem. Google will beat you to death with the many reports available online. But what I needed, was a reason for it to work. I had run out of chemical, therapeutic, sappy Tik Tok video reasons to improve my mind. I needed the most under recommended, unreasonable, and unlike-me change to jumpstart a new lifestyle.

I am still 5'10", 130 lbs, very lean...and very little muscle mass. You won't see extreme body transformations or fitness competitions on my social media. I still struggle with lifting a bag of dog food from the cart. But I also visit my local gym semi-regularly, monitor what types of food I eat, and frequently take walks outside. I became certified in personal training, but focus on habits instead of weights. I indulge in fast food feasts, but recognize the impact it can have on my mental health. I spend entire days couch rotting, but appreciate the physical rest I gained to do better the next day. I am a youth sports coach and focus on praising young women on their body's capabilities instead of their physique.

This passion I have for positive life changes is something I could harp on all day. In fact, I do. Family or community members constantly make the "oh, you're lucky you're so skinny" or "I wish you would just have a hamburger". It's meant to be a compliment, I get it. But I try sooo desperately hard to discuss the changes I have made. My physical appearance hardly changes, but my lifestyle is what I am proud of. I DO eat a cheeseburger, but I also love cooking nutrient dense foods. Yes, I am skinny, but I am also physically capable of many things. These are the same family and community members that ask my health advice, but discredit anything I tell them because "I get it genetically". You can't change the mind of someone who doesn't want to believe in themselves.

So I am here to tell you...just try it. Please...give yourself a 30 minute walk. You don't need name-brand outfits and shoes. You don't need a fancy workout plan. You don't need crash diets. You don't need someone else's opinion. Start small and try your best. Give yourself a chance.

submitted by /u/New-Introduction-858
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