Finally moving on

1 month ago 42

My grandma died today, it was pretty hard on me even though I wasn't extremly close with her. Usually the first person that comes to my mind when anything happens in my life, especially something this big, he was the one I wanted to run too, to tell him everything. in the title, I think I'm finally moving on from him. I think about him less and less everyday, it's freeing. Yes, he was great, he loved me like no one else ever did, he showed me so much and taught me to love myself, taught me that I am lovable. I will forever be greatful for him but now, I would never go back. The first person that now comes into my mind when anything in my life happens is my guy best friend.

I met this guy in the summer when I moved back with my family after my breakup. We become very close very quickly, he's the type of person who rarely EVER let's ANYONE in his life, he's extremely picky but with me, he connected right away and since then we became the bestest of friends. Although I didn't even wanna hear the word "relationship" back then, another relationship was the last thing I wanted. But now.. things are different. We're neighbors so we are together every day. We talk about and do everything and anything together ll the time. Even though we are always together, the second we get home he calls me to hangout with me just a little longer before going to sleep. He does everything he can to see me smile, to make me laugh, and for me to be happy.

I think I'm starting to really like him.. but he confuses me.. He tells me that I'm his best friend BUT he wants me to move with him (he's moving to another country) he even talked to my mom about it which he only recently met. Everyone thinks that we're together and I told him that, and it's something that he's happy about. "It's a good thing that people think we're together" I don't understand what that means.

He let me meet his family which is also something huge and important to him. He always tells me that I'm important, that he's always and forever there for me. He always wants to be around me in everything he does. He doesn't like most my friends who he has known for a long time, never wants to hangout with them, but he does it anyway because he knows that having him there while I'm also with my group of friends makes me extremely happy (even though he only talks to me and a good friend we have in common.)

BUT.. then he goes ahead and says that I'm his best friend... I don't understand, it feels like we're dating, it feels like he's so so so into me, we pretty much do everything a couple does; we cook, clean, dance, go on late night drives, comes pick me up and drop me off wherever, have movie nights, doesn't correct people when they say "your girlfriend", we even slept together (only once) ... but we're just "best friends" ...

I don't want to talk to him about it, I fear that I could ruin the beautiful friendship we have, it's truly prescious and I wouldn't trade it for the world, but, I want to know how he truly feels about me...

what should I do?

submitted by /u/Lunatic_Chick69
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